Dalida Karic-Hadziahmetovic is Full Professor at Academy of Fine Arts Sarajevo, Department Graphic Design. She has PhD in Visual Communication/Typography.
She has won many international awards and acknowledgements: Graphis Gold Protest Posters 2 in New York 2021, Graphis Silver LogoDesign 9 in New York in 2017, Graphis Silver Typography 3 and Graphis Silver Social&Political Protest Poster in new York in 2015, Graphis Gold Poster Annual 2014 in New York, Graphis Gold Design Annual 2014 in New York, Graphis Silver Social&Political Protest Poster in New York, RGD So(cial) Good Design Award 2013 in Toronto, "The Best Ten Posters" award of Poster for Tomorrow 2012 in Paris, Gold Medal at IX International Poster Biennial in Mexico in 2006, Honorable Mention at 3rd International Socio-Political Poster Biennale Auschwitz 2010 etc.
Dalida had sixteen solo exhibitions and took part in many festivals and biennials worldwide. Some of them are: "All The Gold Of The World" exhibition at IX Golden Bee International Poster Biennial in Moscow 2010, "Voices in Freedom" exhibition celebrating "freedom"around the globe (2010-11), IV International Poster Exhibition - YAKU in Lima 2010, "PROPAGANDA III World Tour" started in San Francisco (2007-08), Biennial of Young Artists of Europe and Mediteranean in Rome 1999, "Spring of Design 99" in Barcelona 1999 etc. read less